
Corruption and bribery

Claire Groups policy on anti-corruption states that it is an important value for us that we are open and honest in the way we do business. We are strongly opposed to corruption and bribery in any form. This applies to all employees in the group and we appeal to our suppliers to help fight corruption in their communities. We have prepared an anti-corruption code of conduct for all employees, supporting the management in helping all employees to avoid conflicts between personal interests and company interests.

We have also made it clear to our suppliers in the supplier agreement that if our anti-corruption code is not met, we will consider cooperation as defaulted with consequent impact on cooperation.

Our code of conduct has rules about everything about corruption and bribery from conflicts of interest, personal gain, feast, favoring friends and family to the size of the gifts we give and receive.

We have also established an anonymous complaint box that anyone can use if they suspect that anything irregular occurs. It is a person outside the house that will investigate the circumstances.